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Saturday, July 14, 2012

Political Responsibility, Salt Lake Street News, Police Harrasment

Greetings readers and homeless friends:

Had a great time volunteering at the Salt Lake City Farmer's Market for the Democratic Party. Registered some people to vote, distributed a lot of lawn signs and bumper stickers and literature. I never pass up a chance to do my civic duty, and neither should you. After all, we get the government we support and vote for. I want to encourage every one to get involved this year at any level you can. Most important of all, register and vote.

Volunteering is also a great opportunity to bend the ears of the candidates toward your pet issues. Click the links at the end of the blog to see who you'd like to support.

One disturbing incident: as I was leaving and walking through the market, I encountered a couple of police officers (Officers Lovell and Sitwell, namely) harassing a man in a wheel chair who had no shoes and was carrying a sign claiming to be a veteran. I guess things haven't changed much, unfortunately, since I was homeless down in  the Rio Grande neighborhood. Homeless people are the sole targets of the police down there, and can do nothing right. They are harassed and vilified simply because they exist.

Come to find out, these officers are not even on duty, they are paid privately for market security.

Chief Burbank, what gives? Are people who are homeless or perceived to be homeless unwelcome at public events? 

If this type of activity concerns and disturbs you as much as it does me, contact  Salt Lake City Police here and tell them.

Here is an important and informative event being put on by KCPW and 4th Street Clinic:

Lastly, thanks to the vendor of Salt Lake Street News who was on the corner informing the public and making some pocket money. It's good to see this publication is still around, helping homeless people become more self-sufficient. When you see a vendor on the street, give up a buck to help them out.

Just a few issues and items I wanted to bring to attention. Until next time, enjoy the cooler weather, support and stand up for your rights, speak out and be visible, and try to avoid the predatory cops in the 'hood. 

-your editor

If you would like your issues, efforts, and organizations to help the homeless featured here, e-mail to

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