So today is Superbowl™ LXVIII. So what. It’s also Groundhog Day. Double so what.
An obscene amount of money is spent on this debacle every year. Just one football game, never mind the NFL (which pays no taxes) and professional sports as a whole. You and I cannot imagine the dollar amount, but you can get a good idea of the mind-boggling spending and waste by going to this search link and reading a few articles: .
I will probably be accused of being un-American for this, or discompassionate toward others’ suffering by what else I’m about to say: We send way too much money on trivial concerns in this country, and send way too much money to help other countries when we have our own serious problems to solve here in The United States of America.
This slide show shows the top recipients of U.S. Foreign Aid and the amount they received:
1. Israel ($3,075 million)
Israel's special relationship with the United States pays off when it comes to foreign aid. The Jewish state has long been a top recipient of foreign aid, receiving nearly $3.1 billion in 2012.
(Mark Wilson/Getty Images)
Approximately $50 billion of our money goes to foreign aid annually. The list of countries that receive that money is baffling, including dictatorships and nations with deplorable human rights histories.
So I ask you, couldn’t this money help homeless people and starving children in our own country, right across the street from the mall we shop at, mere blocks from our sports arena, right down our street and in our own back yard? Shouldn’t it?
In the immortal words of Forrest Gump, “That’s all I got to say about that.”
Enjoy the game.
Your editor.
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